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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Maybe I need to move to Florida???

Hemingway said something along the lines of, "write drunk edit later" well here we are in phase one of that two step instruction.  Don't judge. 

I walk into my third job (Job one=student teaching, job two=working with kids in an after school program, job three=bar-tending/waitress) and there is a gorgeous solemn looking man sitting at the bar.  He looks young, but built, and handsome.  No smiles on his end.  He doesn't seem to notice anyone around him but the guy he is drinking with, which naturally intrigues me.  

The bar was busy but I was not bar-tending so off I went to my section.  I noticed him all night.  Never interacting with the girls who came by trying to talk.  I observed for a while before asking the girl working the bar as to who he was.  She told me three facts: 1. his name 2. that he had a girl friend but was having issues from what she heard 3. that she would take him home in a heartbeat.  I laughed and went about my business.  It was busy for a Thursday so I didn't have much time to stop and think. 

It got busy enough that I was back behind the bar helping out and I couldn't help but hear his conversation with his friend.  He was essentially in my old situation except he is the other guy.  He was in love with a girl who was married.  I had to laugh.  Ironic.  He was talking about giving the chick an ultimatum... I really wanted to tell him how shitty of an idea that was, but it is poor bar manners to eaves drop so I pretended not to notice him.  

I heard them talking about leaving (this saddened me a bit given he was really nice to look at) but I didn't think too much about it.  Throughout my observations of this guy, not totally intentional, its a semi small bar, I saw him reject two decent looking chicks asking trying to talk to him.   Well obviously he was unavailable.  Forgetting all about him  I began talking to another customer about potentially moving out of state.  I told him how I drove the day before to a job fair and applied at school districts in Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia.  The mystery man came out of no where and asked me where in Florida I was talking.  I told him anywhere warm near a beach that would take me.  He told me that he knew a lot of people in the schools in a certain area and that he could give them my name.  

I stared at him for a moment skeptically and then I thought, well what the hell.  I asked him how he had these connections.  He told me he was a cop there.  I told him he looked too young to be a cop and that I didn't believe him.  (I did, but hey, I was bored. Prove it. haha)  He did.  He showed me his little identification card.  I told him it could be a fake.  So he showed me pictures of him in uniform.  (OH MY GOD SO FUCKING HOT), I was totally fucking with him.  It was hilarious.  But I just wanted to keep him talking to me.  

He told me that if I gave him my name and number he would hook me up with some contacts.  (A complete line I'm sure, but what the hell, I was flattered and the look from the other bartender who is much younger and cuter than me made it so worth it.) I wrote my name and number down and slid it across the bar.  He told me he would contact me soon.  I said goodbye. 

Not five minutes after he left my phone went off. Not going to lie.  I was pretty freaking happy.  I have done nothing but work, teach, and dwell on shitty situations with the selfish asshole I have been messed up with for over 5 months now, so it was really nice having a guy who shot down other people seeking me out.  He told me to meet him after work.  I said no because he was a stranger..AKA I am a chicken shit, and he is way out of my league. 

He sent me a text around midnight asking where I was.  I told him that we were closing up the bar since all our customers had left.  He told me he was on his way back.  He came  back with his friend, and they were both really impaired.  I let them through the locked door and my co worker gave me a wink and went into the back.  He was much more flirtatious, and his friend set his head down on the bar.  He was to the point of passing out.  I laughed at him and took the next thirty minutes drinking a beer, finishing up closing the bar, and talking to the cute guy who came back for me.  

Yeah.   I took him home with me.  My co-worker made all sorts of inappropriate comments to me as I walked out the door with him.  I figured I would never see him again anyways.  Seems to be a theme with any guy I am attracted to.

He came on hot and heavy and I let him... with a little protesting... I did feel bad about it. I really didn't know him. He asked what was the worst thing that could happen... I laughed.  He asked if I thought that he wouldn't contact  me again after.  I told him it was a valid concern. He kissed me hard. 

Ultimately I let it happen..  After it was over I went to get up.  He pulled me back and asked why I didn't want to cuddle.  I looked at him in my pale bedroom light, this gorgeous stranger, and nuzzled into his warm sturdy chest.  I was so used to Nick pushing me aside after.  I forgot what it was like to have someone still like me after.  I fell asleep in his arms and had weird dreams... weird, but good.  My alarm went off  only two hours later to go student teach... I realized there was a stranger still in my bed and I wasn't sure how to politely make him leave.  I ended up deciding that he was a cop... and that he must be at least slightly trustworthy.  I left him a note asking him to lock up... I assumed I wouldn't see him again.

Nahhhh.  He has spent another two nights with me since Thursday.  We have spent every minute I am not working together.  One night we didn't do anything but cuddle and talk.  We discussed his not-for-real-girl that he was into in Florida, and I told him my history.  We both agree that it is ironic how similar the situations are.  He told me Nick was an idiot.  I naturally agreed.

He is leaving tomorrow.  I am not going to lie.  I am pretty bummed about it.  Figures the first guy I like would live on the opposite side of the country. Shit.

So I decided to drink tonight.   I am so tired of being me.  I realize that I probably on some subconscious level liked him more because he is unavailable to me.  

Well if nothing else I am a hero at work.  The girls I work with all would have loved to be the one who scored the time with him... so it has been hilarious listening to them talk about it.  (The bartender that night told everyone that I left with him. Oh well)

He told me he would try to see me tonight after seeing his family... probably isn't going to happen.  I am refraining from being pathetic about it, so I wont push.  I am adding this one to my list of fuck ups.  

At least he was nice to me,  I learned one thing.  I liked it.  I deserve a nice gorgeous man who can get my attention, keep it, and treat me nicely in the process.  

I just need to find one in the same state as me.  

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