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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bringin' In the New Year. Twice.

I have never once made an official New Years Resolution.

I don't plan on starting now.

I make dozens of plans a day and I reserve the right to make and change my mind just as many times if I so chose to do so.

This is probably why I tend to find my self getting into so much trouble as often as I do.  Failure to commit.

A Little Wish For My Readers
Last night I brought in the New Year with a few old friends, but mostly new.  I enjoyed the presence of each and every one of them.  We didn't watch the ball drop, nor do any fancy countdowns, we laughed and clinked our glasses as my microwave flashed that it was midnight.  We drank up and then someone checked their phone... we were two minutes early.  So we celebrated twice.

Here is to a new year of mayhem.  Bring it on.

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